Жужу предлагает вам хорошие советские пластинки.
Zhuzhu suggests to you nice soviet vinyls and shellacs.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Eesti Karjaselaulud

Eesti Karjaselaulud
Эстонские пастушьи песни
Записи 1960-х г., выпуск 1984. Мелодия М32-45695 (7’’)

Estonian pastoral songs
Recorded in the 1960’s, published 1984. Мелодия М32-45695 (7’’)

1 comment:

roberth said...

than k you for all the treasures
i am slowly exploring yr site.
it is a real joy and music that is hard
to find to listen to in america.
thank u so much. currenlty i am enjoying the music
from ouzbekistan and look forward to hearing
these recordings from estonia.